
~frens~ alvin
don't click this link...

305 grp

March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
December 2005
January 2006



Ok, I owe up, I really screwed up this time. Firstly, i had minimal sleep, my brother decided that turning on the bloody lamp and doing his stupid lightsaber project while playing ragnarock at 10p.m. was a wonderful idea, it will ensure two things.1) he can play ragnarock while pretending to do hmwrk.2) I did not get to sleep. Than came the competition, :( it seems that the organizers didn't like me, my first bout was against Mitchel Yeo, (the guy who kicked Francis's ass last year) and the bout number was 30. I was as stiff as a rock by the time the match started. Godamnit, why did I do tani-otoshi when there is a gazillion throws out there that are far more practical and that I know how to throw. Ok, maybe i was bored, so I wanted to try something new, not only catching him by surprise( not the throw, but the ability to fail to throw with such spectacle) but also surprised myself and everyone in the audience....( howcome xun zhou so stupid?). He promptly discarded me by reaping up, Game over.
Well, at least I get to rappa-charge, my bout numbers were as follows....1, 6 and 8. ok, I am going to blame the organizers again. There was no bout list, and i was the FIRST one by some divine intervention, I did not know until 3 minutes before. Second match was even more sick, the ppl there said," 5 mins break," yeah sure, after 3 (yes three) minutes, I found myself running to the stupid compeiting area. (middle finger) Than one match later, it was my turn again. FFFFFFFF. that guy, Gary methink, was fresher than freshly squeezed milk and i was shag, tired, wet and furious. I was dead man walking. To add to that, the refree was the same one that decided that Ivan deserved to lose last year because he wasn't R.I., and when I thought it was my throw, he just give me a " u r out!'. And the fact that that was the bronze medal match makes it even sweeter for me. The fact that he was also the refree from my previous match who gave me nothing but koka was a plus too.....sigh. This is just not my day. Lets just hope that lady luck will smile at me,( for once) next week.

8:27 pm
as `long as u remain alrighte.


~Posting 4 the fun~


Ok, chop, chop... New music.(ok, dat was yesterday), I have yet to do any homework since the last time I posted so I had better get started..lol and I am still blogging. Anyway, I have to lose 2kg by the 30th. Nationals coming up. This is what happened..... i told sir I was 67kg+, he said ok. apparently he forgot and STILL put me in lightweight. @$#@#$%5* . Now I have to do extra stuff, eat less and if all else fails, chop of my arm, lose about 7kg in terms of blood, flesh and bones...haha.
Anyway, life is still sucky, but there are plus points ... training slackier, sores are gone, and the neighbour upstairs decides that playing his guitar in the middle of the night is noisy and inconsiderate and stops. But i still woke up at 5a.m. today, sheesh. Actually there is nothing else, Elliot asked me to link him so I link him. And Roy ask me to post so i post as I logged in anyway. haha. end.

8:15 pm
as `long as u remain alrighte.


~I am Weird~


Why is it that everyday during school week, i could never wake up before 6a.m. whereas I always ( i mean always) wake up at 5 o' clock regardless whether I slept at 2 a.m the previous morning or not during the holidays, such is the mystery of life.
Anyway, two days ago, during training, that was Saturday, for those who had gone, it was nothing to scream about (unless it is a scream of horror of course) Weird things happened, body parts fell apart from people, Jason Tan came( ok, not so weird), Eugene came, Boon Ping came out to randori with me...... ok, maybe the first one wasn't that weird, the middle ones were a bit of a suspect too, but my god! Did Boon Ping take his medication or is he just insane for that split second? I mean the Boon Ping who thinks that judo training is hell and the randori part is the sulfur lake equilivent. Wow! For a momment I thought I was seeing things. But no, Boon ping came, I threw him, he looked dazed, and end of story.
Actually, I am strongly against Boon Ping playing randori. It is not that he really sucks or that he is a coward and should just stay at home and rot, but don't you ever what Boon Ping would do to the confidence of the people if he actually manage to throw em'? serious damage man! lol! Anyway, I made the point clear that I wasn't going to give chance, ( I gave anyway, it is just too evil to kill off Bp) by shouting " arr!!!!!!!!!!" at him ( complete with 10 exclaimation marks). I thought for a moment that his legs wobbled but maybe I am just seeing things, after all, this episode does prove one thing~ miracles do happen. Hail to our brave Boon ping! Yup, I m defintely weird.

7:29 am
as `long as u remain alrighte.


~Boring holidays~


It is not that i don't want to post, but it is just that there is nothing worth posting for the past week. Yup, my holidays are boring, it involves getting up, eating, studying, going back to sleep, kindda lifeless. My mum still have yet to get over the fact the I got F9 for e-maths of all subjects and I still need to take asprins for the throbbing headache that Coach imparted upon me via his Harai just before the holidays. but thats just life. But hey! at least i passed A-math!
To add to the lifelessness/ boriningness, i still have 3 comprehansion and 2 physics paper to complete, sigh! Gone were the good old days where holidays involves much more than staying at home and doing homework, as opposed to staying in school to do that, but not that I am complaining, I get to stay up late andsleep in till 11, but to do that everyday, it's just isn't special anymore. To add to my misery, training was as if Sir had a call from some Inspired figure and decided that training requires blood as well, along with the usual sweat, punishment was the order of most day, or punishment-like exercises, push-ups, hopping, see who can stand on one leg....... I think i better go back to sleep.

7:41 am
as `long as u remain alrighte.
